— You know what I value in him?
— What? — I asked my business partner as we were having a conversation about a possible new hire.
— He knows what he can do, and he is upfront saying “No” when something is outside of his expertise.
This led me think about my work.
I am in my 7th year of being an energy coach. And it may seem I should know it all by now.
But I don’t.
I am not a relationship coach when it comes to dealing with your emotional energy that is being drained by unresolved issues with your loved ones.
I am not a nutritionist to help you figure out the right food to support your physical energy.
I am not going to help you land your dream job to make your mental energy high, as you do what you are meant to be doing.
What I am solid in is building a holistic system for your personal energy for you to have a solid plan what to do and in what order for the best results.
And once the basics are covered and you are ready for more, I will refer you to the best experts, who will dig deep.
So today I want to share with you a gem expert for your emotional energy.